22 Mar 50 Years Ago in the Telluride Newsletter
50 Years Ago in the Telluride Newsletter:
Past Telluride Newsletters are often a fascinating window into both the history of Telluride Association and the wider currents of social and political issues of the day. The November 1968 issue is a great example of both. Interspersed with chatty, often amusing articles about the year’s TASPs at Cornell and Hampton, and activities at the Cornell and Berkeley Branches, you will find Telluriders of many different persuasions thinking carefully about the Association’s purpose and plan, and how a Nunnian education should be preserved–and reimagined–in a changing Telluride and a changing world. We invite you to explore a Telluride of 50 years ago. There’ll be a few familiar names in there.
Highlights include:
- Hot stock tips from the Board of Custodians (yes, Telluride really did own stock in United Fruit…)
- Perspectives on Telluride’s TASP at the Hampton Institute, the historically black university in Virginia
- A thoughtful letter to the editor about Telluride’s purpose and plan in the context of the social upheavals of the late 60s, as well as several other articles in which alumni grapple with the current state of Nunn’s two institutions, Telluride Association and Deep Springs College
- A witty but also informative excerpt from a Cornell Branch public speech about the evolution of attitudes toward drinking and smoking in the early Association.
For this and a lot more, please check out the entire issue below. (And as a reminder, all the Telluride Newsletter back issues are available on this website).
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