

Do you have news to share? Submit your personal and professional news, accomplishments, journeys, Newsletter and Blog ideas, and other thoughts to We’d love to see and share pictures too!

  • 2025 TASS Applications Open Now Through December 3, 2024

    Applications are now open for the 2025 Telluride Association Summer Seminar! High school sophomores and juniors are welcome to apply for this life-changing summer experience. Applications are due December 3, 2024. TASS applications are open to all high school sophomores and juniors (“rising juniors” and......

  • 2024 TASS Applications Open Now Through January 3, 2024

    Applications are now open for the 2024 Telluride Association Summer Seminar! High school sophomores and juniors are welcome to apply for this life-changing summer experience. Applications are due January 3, 2024. TASS applications are open to all high school sophomores and juniors (“rising juniors” and......

  • 2024 TASS Nominations Open

    From now through December 1, 2023, Telluride Association is accepting nominations for the Telluride Association Summer Seminar (TASS). We seek nominations for high school sophomores and juniors (“rising juniors” and “rising seniors”), who will be invited to apply to our free, six-week seminar in Summer......

  • FAQ on 2022 Summer Seminars

    In response to the recent article written by Dr. Vincent Lloyd, Telluride Association has received a number of questions about the 2022 Telluride Association Summer Seminar discussed in his article. We’ve reviewed our records and endeavored to answer these questions to the extent possible, without......

  • Affirming Our Mission

    This past Friday, we learned of an article by Dr. Vincent Lloyd, a faculty member at one of our 2022 Telluride Association Summer Seminars, expressing his dissatisfaction with his teaching experience. We greatly respect Dr. Lloyd’s academic expertise and his contribution to our summer seminars.......

  • 2023 TASS Applications Open Now Through January 4, 2023

    Applications are now open for the 2023 Telluride Association Summer Seminar! High school sophomores and juniors are welcome to apply for this life-changing summer experience. Applications are due January 4, 2023. TASS applications are open to all high school sophomores and juniors (“rising juniors” and......

  • 2023 TASS Nominations Open

    From now through December 1, 2022, Telluride Association is accepting nominations for the Telluride Association Summer Seminar (TASS). We seek nominations for high school sophomores and juniors (“rising juniors” and “rising seniors”), who will be invited to apply to our free, six-week seminar in Summer......

  • TASS Update Letter to Students

    Dear Student, Thank you for your interest in applying to Telluride Association Summer Seminars (TASS) in 2022. Telluride Association has made major changes to our summer offerings for this year. In this letter, we explain the most important changes and how they affect you as......

  • Launching Summer Seminars 2022!

    Dear Friends, Supporters, and Associates of Telluride Association: Telluride Association is pleased to announce the launch of the Telluride Association Summer Seminars in the summer of 2022. These programs for high-school sophomores and juniors replace our previous summer programs, the Telluride Association Sophomore Seminars (TASS)......

  • TA’s New Online Directory !

    Dear TA Friends, After many years, Telluride Association is pleased to announce that we once again have a searchable directory of alumnx (“associates”) of our programs!  We invite you to register for your account, update your profile, and choose what information you want to display......

  • TA Pauses Summer Programs in 2021

    September 26, 2020 Dear Telluride Friends, As the summer has progressed, Telluride Association has been grappling with our obligation to combat anti-Black racism and white supremacy within our summer programs, in our board governance, and in the landscape of American secondary and higher education. This,......

  • TA Branch closures

    Update August 2021: After careful review and preparation, Telluride Association has reopened its Cornell and Michigan Branches for the Fall of 2021. Telluride is following University guidelines for operating under the conditions of the COVID pandemic, and will continue to adapt and respond to changing......

  • Update on COVID-19

    UPDATED 3/13: Cornell University has suspended classes on its Ithaca campus as of 5 PM. Virtual classes will begin April 6th. Telluride is working to assist its Cornell branchmembers to return home or who are, in accordance with Cornell guidelines, permitted to stay at Cornell......

  • TASS & TASP Application Cycle Opens!

    The application cycle for the 2020 summer programs (TASS and TASP) is now open! Read about our programs, and next summer’s seminar choices, in our brochures for TASS and TASP. If you’re an educator, coach, mentor, or counselor, and you know a promising high-school sophomore......

  • Submit Your Summer Program Applications!

    You can find program information and brochures on our website, as well as links to application materials, for TASS and TASP.  Completed applications are due in January 2019. Nominators: we will no longer mail printed materials to nominees, but we will direct any nominated students......

  • Summer Programs Nomination Cycle Closed

    The nomination cycle for TASS and TASP has ended. Thank you to all our nominators! We will still accept nominations by email (instructions here), and more importantly students don’t need to have been nominated to apply. Applications are due in January, so there’s still plenty......

  • 2018 Summer Program Nominations and Applications Now Open

    Nominations are now open for the 2018 TASS and TASP programs, and applications are available online! Explore next summer’s seminar topics, access the application forms, read the online program brochures, and learn more about life at TASS or TASP. Nomination are due November 27th (we recommend getting them......

  • 2018 TASS and TASP information now available

    Information about the 2018 TASS and TASP programs is now available. Explore next summer’s seminar topics, learn about the application deadlines, and read about life at TASS or TASP. Brochures with more detailed information will be available soon; applications will go live in mid-October, and......

  • Now accepting applications for the Mansfield-Wefald Thesis Prize through May 12, 2017

    The Mansfield-Wafald Thesis Prize was established at Telluride Convention 1994 to honor the memory of Mary Mansfield and Eric Wefald, two Association members who died tragically in 1989. The prize of $1,000 will be awarded by a committee of Association members for the best scholarly......

  • Call for Applications: The Yarrow Adventurous Education Award – March 24

    The Yarrow Award was set up to help a Telluride Association affiliate who is a student undertake non-paying public-service work during the summer. It is a single award of up to $3,000 to cover travel and living expenses. Eligibility Applicants must be: An alumnus/alumna of......

  • Applications now open for Spring cycle at Michigan Branch

    Michigan Branch of Telluride Association (MBTA) provides a merit-based room and board fellowship for University of Michigan students that is renewable for up to five years. Scholarship Eligibility Applicants must enroll as full-time University of Michigan students while in the house. Only incoming freshmen and......

  • Call for applications: Reese Miller International Exchange Scholarship – March 4

    The Reese Miller International Exchange Scholarship is awarded to exceptional students who exemplify Telluride Association’s mission of promoting intellectual inquiry and democratic self-government. The Scholarship is supported by bequests from and the family of Reese Miller, Deep Springs ’52, Cornell Branch ’53, Telluride Association ‘55 and Lincoln Exchange......

  • Nominate now for TASS 2017

    TASS is a multi-faceted experience; students live together for six weeks at one of our two program campuses. They attend college-level seminars in topics pertaining to critical Black and ethnic studies and participate in activities to further their knowledge in the classroom. Students create a......

  • Want to be a factotum for Summer 2017?

    TASS and TASP need you! If you are a college student or recent college graduate, please consider applying to become a factotum. As the name implies, factotums “do everything” in support of the summer programs, from organizing guest lectures to ensuring the smooth functioning of student social life. The......

  • TASS Faculty Application Deadline Extended

    May 16th is the new deadline for the 2017 TASS Faculty Application. Visit Teach at TASS for more information. Application available here....

  • TASS Alumni Retreat and Workshop in NYC May 21

    TASS Alumni Retreat and Workshop in NYC May 21: Black Study, Black Struggle: Student Movements in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter. Please join your fellow New York-area TASS alumni for a day-long workshop about Black activism and its impact and place in the academy. Keynote Speaker......

  • Mansfield-Wefald Thesis Prize Deadline Approaches

    The application for the Mansfield-Wefald Senior Thesis Prize is due on May 6, 2016. You can access the application here or read more on our Awards page....

  • Yarrow Award Application Open

    Telluride student alums over 18 can apply for Yarrow Award, to support summer public service work. The deadline is March 10th. More information....

  • Overseas Exchange Re-opened

    The Overseas Student Exchange Committee has reopened applications for the Capetown-UMichigan exchange. To apply or to learn more about the exchange, please visit the Awards page....