14 Mar Recipe for Chinese Scallion Pancakes
On Mar 6, 2018, MBTA housemembers enjoyed a PubSpeak by Allina Chang (MB’17) on Chinese Food and Cooking. As part of the PubSpeak, she taught housemembers how to make Chinese Scallion Pancakes (Vegan) and Steamed dumplings. Anthony Zheng (MB’17) was her sous chef for the session. Here is a step by step guide on how you can make your own scallion pancakes.
1. Prepare the dough, by kneading 1 part water with 3 parts flour.
2. Roll the dough flat.
3. Spread a thin layer of olive oil on the flattened dough. Sprinkle some salt and finely chopped scallions as per your taste.
4. Gently roll into a tube, keeping the oil, salt and scallions on the inside.
5. Now, starting from one end, tightly wind the roll into a spiral as shown.
6. Flatten the spiral with your hand. Use some flour to pat it down.
7. Use a rolling pin to flatten into a thin round pancake.
8. Put a layer of olive oil in a thick bottomed pan. Turn to high heat. When the oil is hot, gently slide the pancake in. When the bottom of the pancake starts becoming light golden brown, flip the pancake over. Repeat on the other side, and remove from pan.
9. Your Vegan Chinese Scallion Pancake is ready!
Anthony explaining the dumpling folding process.
Lisa Jobson
Posted at 12:37h, 30 AprilThanks so much for the recipe. I will try it!