17 May Ridley Jones SP05 MB06 TA08 shares her poetry
by Ridley Jones SP05 MB06 TA08
Seattle Freeze
Beneath the sky’s furrowed brow
Furtive rivulets of we disappear
And the mountains lay down
Their daily burden
Autumn Song
Slide with me, world, dark and gentle
Fall through me, time, swift and lovely
In dying days I lift my eyes, I fill them up
With warm senescent gold
Cherished footsteps of summer, growing fainter
I cannot hold you here
How long does the memory of sun
Persist in the brain?
Not as long as in your multifarious earth
Cool and still to me
Hot and teeming within
Store the light against that dark day
When even you are trapped in snow, alone
But waiting
Trees are just starting to turn
Gold- and crimson-cheeked
From the sexy-soft whispered
Flirtations of death
Bright lights,
Castles of desire,
Rocking tides of sweetness,
Birds that know you when they see you,
Skies your soul can touch when it hears the sound and unfurls,
The urbane fragrance of autumn and the intimate fragrance of damp earth,
Dark leaves painting the foreground of the sunset with their fine dewy motile brush,
All rushes in in the agony, the awful crack of dislocation from the static cohesion of SELF, things going through me and filling me because I’m not even here to impede them.
Where am I?
Maybe I am everywhere, or a semipermeable membrane, or a filter that is often clogged.
Ridley is a Ph.D. student in human-centered design and engineering. She lives in Seattle with her enormous cat, Cutieus Maximus.
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