03 Feb Applications now open for Spring cycle at Michigan Branch
Michigan Branch of Telluride Association (MBTA) provides a merit-based room and board fellowship for University of Michigan students that is renewable for up to five years.
Scholarship Eligibility
Applicants must enroll as full-time University of Michigan students while in the house.
Only incoming freshmen and transfer students will be considered this spring semester. (Applications from current U-M students and former participants of TASS or TASP will be considered in the fall semester.) All selected students will join the house in the fall of the following academic year.
Additional terms of scholarship may be found here.
Application Process
The application has three parts: Part I is for personal information; Part II consists of four (4) essays on a variety of topics; Part III requires academic transcript(s) and two (2) letters of recommendation.
We highly recommend that you invest a significant amount of time into the essays. No applicant with weak essays has gone onto the second round.
The house will contact the applicants selected for an interview, either in person at Telluride House in Ann Arbor or via telephone or Skype. Final decisions will be given within the first week of April.
Dates and Deadlines
Sunday, February 19, 2017 @ 4:00PM (EST).
A deadline extension of March 1, 2017 will be provided for students who receive U-M admission after Feb. 10, 2017. Late applications will only be accepted if admission documents are provided.
Inquiries should be directed to mbta.apply@tellurideassociation.org
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